We know the world was made for the church in reading the opening verse of The Gospel of John. The living word of God is synonymous with the mystical body.

There is nothing vague nor difficult in reading the opening verses. Oppression and the worldly can blind us from seeing the simple truth of God’s plan and His infinite abiding love for us.

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Oh my gosh, i disagree with almost every single answer. And i don't belong to any denomination, i am a bible believing Christian and have searched for answers EVERYWHERE and i am afraid to say you are wrong (in my understanding) but we will find out soon, Jesus is coming back soon and those who didnt overcome need to go through seals judgement.

Good luck

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Thank you for your comment, you disagree with the Bible not me, because everything, all the points are from the Holy Bible. We cannot rely on our own opinion because all have sinned, says St. Paul. That is the reason why Christ gave us the Church.

I invite you to read my articles on why the Catholic Church is the Church of Christ and why a visible Church is needed rather than our personal opinion. If you really believe in Christ wouldn't you want to belong to His Church rather than be an orphan, after all you believe the Bible that the Catholic Church canonized, why not come home and claim the heritage that Christ has left us?

Thanks for reading.

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