Absolutely love the call to be daughters of Mary, not daughters of Eve. I had never thought of it that way!

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Lydia Davidson

I especially like this part: "While the big fishermen Apostles abandoned their Master; this Woman stood at the foot of the cross, helping the Perfect Man to do the Will of His Father. Again, while the Apostles were huddled in fear, in the upper room, Mary was there giving them strength through her prayers."

And I always was a little puzzled by the Bible verses where Our Lord addresses Mary not as "Mother" but as "Woman". But your post makes me think maybe Jesus was addressing not only the woman who gave birth to him, but all women who would choose to follow Him. As you suggest "She is His Perfect Disciple, His Perfect Helper."

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Jul 18Liked by Lydia Davidson

Mary Magdalene and his mom Mary both are believed to have been at the cross. I think the faith in these woman are not discussed enough.

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Jul 18Liked by Lydia Davidson

You’re right.

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Thank you, Lydia. But it was just a feeling of mine, and I still think it's an interesting notion.

But just the other day on Substack I found a post (wish I had saved it) explaining that in the original Greek of the Gospels (maybe still today?), to address one's mother as the equivalent of the English "woman" did not have the connotation of disrespect or coldness we English speakers would assign to someone addressing their mother with "woman".

OK, just found a good source about it: https://aleteia.org/2018/06/09/why-did-jesus-call-the-blessed-mother-woman

The last paragraph suggests that maybe my intuition was better than I thought 😄 Did you know my guess was factually correct? If so, your depth of biblical scholarship is praiseworthy indeed!

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Jul 11Liked by Lydia Davidson

Very well said, thank you for your content. I would add that Eve was created from the side of Adam to be his equal and his partner. Also, Satan in his cleverness knew that he would not be able to take down both the man and the woman if he approached the man. He knew that to take them both down he would have to tempt the woman and get her buy-in to get the man as well.

I think we are already in the feministcounterrevolution. Many women from generation Z are starting to see that they have been lied to throughout their lives with the feminist movement. Joyfully we are hearing of women giving up contraception to have children and choosing to stay at home to raise children and be homemakers. Things need to change and change takes time, but I can already see the changes is happening for the good.

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Oh what a privilege it is to be a woman!

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